Sunday, July 31, 2011

1st of August . The new day in a new month . New challenges in a new month.

My Goodness bloggie. I'm flooded with projects these days. I cant oftenly post on my blogs again.
Today, my new roomate will come. I don't know that I should be happy or sad. Maybe I'm between these two kinds of feeling. This month will be really challenging for me. Accounting will have it tested in next two weeks, my Marketing Project will be due in 31st of August, my CIB Project will be due in week 5, my Economics project will be due in week 6 and will have it tested in week 7. Sucha tiring jobs to do huh????
I felt so uncomfortable with two subjects in Wednesdays sucha Accounting and Economics in a day *chop my head,dudes, I may be crazy to have them both in a day*

But guess what? I found a solution for it on last Wednesday.
I knew that my Economics lecturer is a super kind-hearted person. I beg her to change my schedule. U know whatttt? She approved that I can switched my Economics class into Tuesdays and I still have to do it together with CIB class.I don't mind, it's better than doing Econs with Accounting.

I love this teacher although her subject is killing me softly. Econs is a true stalker. You can't understand it just by looking and reading. Eventhough in the test later, no reading is required to be read. Coz the test is all about the understanding about the subject and how we apply it in our daily life, unfortunately the hardest part of Econs is to write out the example of daily cases we meet. God, I will commit suicide soon -______-

Anyway, pray for me bloggie, pray for me that this month won't be monsters to me and won't let me down, AMEN O:)

I miss this photoshoot moment with besties =((


And how I miss Medannnnnnnnnnnn so damn much ='(